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Guides: Managing HR for Nonprofits with a Hybrid Work Environment

Managing HR for Nonprofits with a Hybrid Work Environment

Organizations of all sizes are facing hiring challenges in today’s tight labor market. The good news for small and midsize nonprofits is that many of these challenges give them a unique edge in attracting talent. With the right leadership approach and powerful new tools at their disposal, nonprofits can effectively position themselves to succeed.

In this guide, we explain: 

  • How nonprofits’ mission focus can help them better attract applicants across the broader pool of remote workers.
  • How becoming more intentional in managing employee expectations can help nonprofits engage their employees.
  • How updating your professional development approach to support the modern workplace can better engage and retain employees.
  • How to train managers to support employees and set the tone for organizational culture in this hybrid work environment.
  • How to use advanced AI tools to ease the burden of routine HR tasks in order to focus on improving recruitment strategy.